
Coming Out & Beyond LGBTQIA+ Stories | Season 3 Episode 10 | Christine’s Story

Christine Gardner Terpening is an artist, an entrepreneur, a mother, and also a late-in-life lesbian. Christine was born and raised in the rural community of Vermontville, Michigan. Raised in a time when she knew something was “shamefully” different about her, but didn’t quite understand that she may be gay. She spent her youth in rodeo and reigned as Miss Rodeo Michigan in 1992.

She later married her wonderful high school sweetheart and Naval Veteran husband and had three beautiful kids with horses and a hobby farm. Despite having the “perfect” life, Christine fell out of the closet less than gracefully at 44, lost, scared, and lonely when she could no longer deny her truth. Thanks to her loving kids, family, and a few solid friends she weathered the storm, gathered her feet underneath her, and swore she would help others not go through what she went through, or at least not alone.

She started a business called Happy Suz & Co selling her designs of positive LGBTQ+ merchandise with “Something for everyone under the rainbow.” Most importantly, Christine started I’ll Be Your Rock, rural LGBTQ+ youth support. Meant to be local, this support group has drawn youth from many communities even as far as an hour away. Christine’s dream is to have a chapter of I’ll Be Your Rock in every rural community where queer resources are limited to non-existent. Thanks to “Rocks” that have joined in her queer crusade, Vermontville Michigan is hosting its very first Pride geared solely towards teens and younger. Vermontville Youth Pride will be on August 20 and hopes to raise rural awareness and funds for the kids in this community and beyond.

From Christine:

Christine Gardner Terpening on Facebook (I can be followed or friended, and reached on FB Messenger )


Any child or a parent struggling to find support for their child can contact me any way they feel comfortable. We have a private FB group that is for youth, but parents may also join if their kids don’t have FB. You can also follow me at Vermontville Youth Pride, Moonshine Fine Art Studio, or Happy Suz & Co on FB. This started in Vermontville but we don’t turn any kid away. Our FB group is available to anyone, near or far and it’s private and discreet.

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