In her book, “Perfectly Queer,” author Jillian Abby recounts her journey of coming out later in life and overcoming chronic perfectionism. Jillian began her metamorphosis as a wife in a heterosexual marriage, a home-school mom, and a CPA. Sensing a change was needed, Jillian transitioned her job to Licensed Massage Therapist, and as she engaged in physical healing modalities she became more in touch with her authentic self, realizing she was queer. Jillian is a recovering perfectionist who has learned to release unrealistic expectations, turn to self for validation, and be at peace with imperfection. In this lively discussion, host Anne-Marie Zanzal and Jillian talk about a wide range of topics, including overcoming pernicious perfectionism, the ‘superpower’ associated with coming out later in life, good and not so good therapists, internalized homophobia, and so much more.

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You can find out more about Jillian Abby, her work, and purchase her book, “Perfectly Queer,” at

A song that is meaningful to Jillian is I Am Here by Pink

A book that impacted Jillian is What Happened to You by: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey.