
Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories | Season 5 Episode 44 | Charlie Sprinkman Everywhere is Queer: Why Visibility Matters

Charlie Sprinkman (he/they) is a young person with a vision! After working in a job that required him to travel across 50+ states, Charlie recognized there was a lack of visibility to queer-owned businesses when he tried to find them in his travels and his searches came up empty.

This is how Everywhere is Queer was born. Everywhere is Queer is a free app where people can list and search for queer-owned businesses. With an enormous amount of hard work and a boost from major media outlets, Everywhere is Queer’s visibility has dramatically taken off, with thousands participating on the app worldwide.

Tune in to hear host Anne-Marie Zanzal chat with Charlie about their journey, from their early days growing up in conservative Wisconsin, coming out, his fearless ‘just do it’ attitude, the country that surprised him the most, his business coaching service, and much more.

You can learn more about the Everywhere is Queer app at https://www.everywhereisqueer.com/

A song that is meaningful to Charlie is ‘Same Love’ by Macklemore feat. Mary Lambert: https://youtu.be/hlVBg7_08n0?si=TOvY3aMo1wogizyj A television show that Charlie recommends is ‘Pose’: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7562112/

Find out more about Everything is Queer, sign up for his newsletter, and find links to connect on Instagram and TikTok at www.everythingisqueer.com.

Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coming-out-beyond-lgbtqia-stories/id1569859569 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/27kocr4llm6syHKaeX1x9e

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