Story time: Nearly two years ago, I ended an engagement with a woman who I loved very much. While she is in many ways a good human being, our lifestyles and families were just waaaay too different. The decision to end things was a painful one. I know, I know, ending...
Articles & Resources
Barbara Rowlandson
Six Entirely Selfish & Completely Valid Reasons You Should Come to Wing Women Weekend
Wing Women Weekend happens on Oct 16-20th in Provincetown, MA, during that community's annual Women's Week. For those who aren't in the know yet, Provincetown is, like, probably the gayest small town in America, and Women's Week is basically lesbian Mecca. Every year...
Outside the Heteronormative Model – How Lesbian Relationships Are Different by Barb Rowlandson
Outside the Heteronormative Model - How Lesbian Relationships Are Different by Barb Rowlandson. Many of us experience what could be described as a "second adolescence" when we come out in adulthood – primarily because we may not have fully experienced our first, at...
Eight Things I Wish I Knew Before Coming Out
by Barb Rowlandson So, you've figured out you're not as straight as you previously thought you were. Congrats! Though it might seem a little bit scary, you’re about to embark on a remarkable journey. The ranks of late-in-life lesbians are ever-increasing. Though you...