Internalized homophobia, heterosexism and compulsory heterosexuality are real issues and the reasons why this journey can be so hard! Learning about it and acknowledging it when it pops up can make all the difference in the world! I am a...
Articles & Resources
Coming Out to Our Kids Join coming out coach Anne-Marie Zanzal and Tonda McKay for their next Facebook Live event as they talk about how to approach coming out to children of all ages. Anne-Marie Zanzal is a coming out coach, chaplain, bereavement counselor,...
Weathering The Storm Join me, Anne-Marie Zanzal, and Tonda McKay as we discuss how to find peace as we navigate the choppy waters of divorce. Divorce is a turbulent time for most, with heightened feelings, triggers, anger, sadness and radical change for all...
Eleven Reasons Why Mutual Support Groups Work
I came out as a later in life lesbian in 2016. In the years before I worked as a hospice chaplain and a grief counselor. Before that I worked for Girl Scouts of America as an Adult Development and Education Manager. Because of these two...
Conditioned and Authentic Self What is conditioned and authentic self? And why does it matter on the later in life journey? My wife Tonda McKay and I discuss social conditioning, how it shapes our lives and how we move away from it.
Dating Apps 101 Dating apps can be confusing AND intimidating. My wife Tonda McKay, and our friend Barb Rowlandson discuss dating apps and provide some tips on putting your best foot forward.
Coming Out & Beyond Podcast
Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories | Season 5 Episode 44 | Charlie Sprinkman Everywhere is Queer: Why Visibility Matters Charlie Sprinkman (he/they) is a young person with a vision! After working in a job that required him to travel across 50+ states, Charlie recognized there was a lack of visibility to queer-owned businesses when he tried to find them in...
Coming Out & Beyond: LGBTQIA+ Stories | Season 5 Episode 43 | Annie M. Henderson Later-In-Life Journeys Though there are often similarities in themes and experiences among women who come out later in life, no two people share the exact same story. In this week's episode, host Anne-Marie Zanzal welcomes author, counselor, and coach Annie M....
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Coming Out
My Hot Vax Summer: 7 Dates in 14 Days – Lesbian Dating a New Chance
By Elizabeth M., age 47 Elizabeth and I are good friends and she regaled me late summer with her tales of the lesbian dating scene. I asked her to write this piece for my blog. Dating is a numbers game and being open to all different types of women can be game...
Why Lesbians U-Haul?
We’ve all heard the joke. What does a lesbian bring with her on the second date? A U-Haul truck. The picture accompanying this article is a play on this joke. My wife and I were only moving some furniture and wanted to make our queer friends...
Internalized Homophobia: What is it
Internalized Homophobia is when LGBTQIA+ people listen to negative messages about being gay – and believe them. While society has come a long way in accepting some members of the LGBTQIA+ family, negative messages about being not straight still persist. We...
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